Analyzing Andalas University Hospital’s Disaster Management Capacity Using the Hospital Safety Index


  • Yulastri Arif Faculty of Nursing Andalas University
  • Lia Pertiwi Post Graduate Andalas University
  • Dorisnita Dorisnita RSUP Dr. M. Jamil Padang



Background: Indonesia, especially West Sumatra Province, is a disaster-prone area. Thus, assessing the preparedness of institutions, especially hospitals as health service facilities in disaster management, is important to do, including the Andalas University Hospital as one of the educational hospitals prepared for disaster management. One of the measuring tools used to analyze hospital preparedness in disaster management is the Hospital Safety Index (HSI). Through HSI, it can be assessed the preparedness of hospitals in disaster management in terms of the functional capacity of disaster emergency management. HIS also looks at how far the hospital can operate in a disaster emergency.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the Functional Capacity Preparedness of Andalas University Hospital in Disaster Management Based on the Hospital Safety Index.

Method: This research is a quantitative research with an evaluative descriptive approach. The research population was all staff and management of Andalas University Hospital who were involved in the disaster management process at the hospital, totaling 379 people and a sample of 15 people were selected by purposive sampling technique. The instrument in the study used the Hospital Safety Index checklist module 4 regarding preparedness of the functional capacity of the hospital and interview guidelines. Hospital preparedness analysis using the Hospital Safety Index Calculator on the Excell tabulation.

Result: The results showed that the functional capacity preparedness index for disaster emergency management at Andalas University Hospital was 0.69. This shows that the classification of Andalas University Hospital is in status A with a high level of preparedness (index range 0.66-1). Hospital constraints in improving disaster preparedness in terms of functional capacity are limited budget funds, limited human resources, the location of the hospital is quite far and the focus of hospital management on disaster preparedness has not been. Hospitals have taken various strategies to overcome the obstacles experienced in order to optimize the functions of hospitals in disaster preparedness.


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