Nur Intan Kusuma, Ismarwati Ismarwati, Nelawati Radjamuda, Reka Julia Utama, Dea Rea Nanda, Silvia Pratiwi


Background: Labor pain is a tremendous pain experience for a woman. Labour pain that is not managed properly can cause prolonged labour that can endanger the condition of the mother and fetus. Aromatherapy is one of the methods to reduce pain during labour.

Objective: This study aimed to identify and summarize the evidence of lavender and jasmine aromatherapy on first-stage labour pain.

Methods: This study used a narrative review method. The steps in this review include identifying the topic, identifying the research question, searching for evidence, conducting critical studies, synthesizing results, as well as compiling conclusions and recommendations. The literature search used four databases, namely PubMed, Wiley Online Library, Clinical Key for Nursing, ScienceDirect and Google Scholar as search engines, that were published in 2011-2021. The articles obtained were 530 articles and articles that matched the inclusion criteria were 10 articles.

Conclusion: The research method in the articles obtained entirely uses quantitative methods. The design used is Randomized Control Trial (RCT) (50%) and Quasi-experimental (50%). This review found 2 themes, namely the effectiveness of aromatherapy and procedures for using aromatherapy. The results of the review showed that both lavender and jasmine aromatherapy was effective in reducing labour pain, but jasmine aromatherapy was considered more effective in reducing 1st stage labour pain and could be easily accepted by maternity mothers. Health workers can apply aromatherapy, especially midwives, as additional therapy in childbirth care.



Effectiveness; Aromatherapy; Lavender; Jasmine; Labour Pain

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