JURNAL KESEHATAN First published in 2010, at that time as a publisher was the Akademi Kebidanan Prima Nusantara Bukittinggi. In 2008 there was a change from the Akadeni Kebidanan (Midwifery Academy) to the Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu kesehatan Prima Nusantara (Health Sciences College) Bukittinggi , and in 2020 there was a change from the Health Sciences College to the Prima Health Institute.
First published from 2010 to 2018, the JURNAL KESEHATAN is a journal with regular OJS and has not been accredited by any institution. The beginning of 2018 is the first step for the JURNAL KESEHATAN because it has been accredited by SINTA (Science and Technology Index) Rank 5.
Increasingly showing the progress of the JURNAL KESEHATAN in 2019, the accreditation level rose to SINTA 4 and in 2020 the accreditation level rose to SINTA 3