
  • Hindun Rahim
  • Ismarwati Ismarwati




Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer Risk, Parity, Contraceptive, Smoking


Background: Breast cancer is one of the reproductive cancers that cause increased morbidity and mortality. Based on the Global Burden Cancer (Globocan) data, breast cancer has increased by more than 20%, while the mortality rate has increased by 14% since 2008.

Purpose: The aim of the study is to conclude a systematic literature review that is related to risk factors that influence breast cancer in Southeast Asia.

Methods: This study emphasizes risk factors that influence breast cancer incidence such as; contraceptive use, age, body mass index, menarche, menopause, parity, breastfeeding, and smoking using the systematic literature review method identified a total of 7 relevant journals and summarized in a narrative manner.

Result: The results of this journal review show that contrast use, age, body mass index (BMI) in this case a higher BMI or obesity, early age menarche that is influenced by unhealthy lifestyles, menopause, and the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) significant risk factors that influence breast cancer incidence in Southeast Asia.

Conclusion: Age, body mass index (BMI), and contraceptive use are very influential on the incidence of cancer.


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