Tri Purnama Sari, Doni Jepisah, Roslia Asrin


Background: Every hospital is required to provide health services that meet optimal service standards. In today's competitive environment, quality of service is the key to sustainable excellence.

Purpose : The SERVQUAL method aims to measure how far the difference between reality and expectations for the services they receive. In addition, the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) Method has the advantage of mapping customer perceptions of the level of importance of service aspects in customer perception of performance

Methods: This research type is descriptive quantitative (research survey) with the SERVQUAL method. The population in this study was all outpatients at Petala Bumi Hospital in January-June 2021, which amounted to 14,180 people. The samples in this study were 200 taken based on the Roscoe sampling formula. The sampling technique using accidental sampling

Results: The results showed that there are several attributes that must be improved as soon as possible, namely the online registration system, registration waiting room facilities, the friendliness of registration officers, the accuracy and speed of officers in registering, patient waiting times, and officers’ competences

Conclusion: It is recommended that hospitals improve services, it is necessary to provide training, establish rules, supervision and assessment or evaluate service performance.

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