Harizza Pertiwi, Zakiyah Zakiyah


Background: Universitas Binawan is a higher education institution located in the east area of Jakarta, which is adjacent to the Ciliwung River. This river often becomes the cause of the flood; hence the Binawan campus is frequently used to shelter the survivors. Students accordingly become respondents to give aid to those in need. However, knowledge regarding disaster preparedness of the students and factors influencing it have yet to be known. Hypothetically, the demography of the students may affect their level of expertise.

Purpose: This study investigates the correlation of demographics (age, semester level, gender and significant field) with disaster preparedness knowledge.

Method: Using a cross-sectional design with a survey method, this study involved 318 participants that were selected purposively. Data was collected using a questionnaire through an online platform, then analyzed with Wilcoxon and Chi-Square test.

Result: Result shows that age (p = 0.000) and major field (p = 0.020) have significant correlation with disaster preparedness knowledge, while semester level (p = 0.134) and gender (p = 0.936) have no correlation.

Conclusion: This study reveals that not all demographic factors affect students' level of knowledge regarding disaster preparedness. Further research needs to be conducted to scrutinize other factors that may influence it.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35730/jk.v12i2.411

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