Hubungan Perilaku dan Lingkungan Dengan Kejadian Demam Berdarah Dengue di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tigo Baleh Kecamatan Aur Birugo Tigo Baleh Kota Bukittinggi Tahun 2014

Andika Sulistiawan, Rina Rina


Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a health problem with an increasing number of cases is equal to 65.57 per 100 thousand inhabitants. Based on data from the health department of Bukittinggi in 2011-2013 the number of dengue cases in the region Puskesmas Tigo Baleh In 2011 as many as 20 cases, 35 cases were in 2012, in 2013 a total of 39 cases. this type of research is an analytic survey with case-control study design and size of the study respondents were 78 respondents with totaly sampling technique. The data was collected using a questionnaire with interview techniques. This research uses the chi-square test with 95% degree of confidence (É‘ = 0.05). The results showed no significant relationship between knowledge of the incidence of DHF (p = 0.000, OR 59,500), there was no significant relationship between the attitude of the incidence of DHF (p = 0.074, OR 2.066), a significant relationship between the incidence of dengue measures (p = 0.030 , OR 4.500), and no significant relationship between the environment and the incidence of DHF (p = 1.000 OR 2.054). Expected, government and health centers can improve public knowledge and action better through counseling with a more effective method.