Analisis Potensi Interaksi Obat Antipsikotik Pada Pasien Skizofrenia

Arie Firdiawan, Desi Amelia, Novi Nurleni


Background: Schizophrenia is a complex psychiatric disorder, characterized by disturbances in the form of delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thoughts and changes in behavior. One of the treatment for schizophrenia is using antipsychotic combination therapy. This can lead to drug interactions

Objective: This study aims to see the description and potential interactions of antipsychotic drugs with lexicomp. 

Method: Descriptive research using retrospective method. Drug interaction data were taken from 160 medical records of schizophrenic patients inpatients at Ernaldi Bahar Hospital Palembang in 2020

Result: According to research and calculations, public service motivation influences Based on the characteristics of patients, the highest age of schizophrenic patients was at the age of 18-30 (41.25%), the most severe schizophrenic patients suffered (76.87%), then the highest education level of schizophrenic patients was Elementary School (37.5%), diagnosed with schizophrenia patients who suffered the most from paranoid schizophrenia (78.74%). The most commonly prescribed single antipsychotic drug was risperidone (35.63%). The use of antipsychotic drugs combined with two types of drugs chlorpromazine-risperidone as many as 16 patients (10%). The most use of antipsychotic drugs in combination with three types of drugs, namely haloperidol-clozapine-quetiapine in 2 patients (1.25%) and clozapine-risperidone-haloperidol in 2 patients (1.25%). The potential for pharmacodynamic drug interactions of antipsychotic drugs is more (78.43%) than pharmacokinetics (21.35%). Potential drug interactions based on severity are major (52.94%), moderate (25.49%), minor (21.57%) and drug interactions that occur in schizophrenic patients hospitalized at Ernaldi Bahar Hospital are 9 patients (8, 82%)

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